Yesterday William was reflecting out loud about a decision he made a while ago.
He admitted that it might not have been the smartest thing he’d ever done, but he proceeded to rationalize it with, “Well, but I can see my point.”
Travel & Lifestyle Freelance Writer | Market Research Consultant
Yesterday William was reflecting out loud about a decision he made a while ago.
He admitted that it might not have been the smartest thing he’d ever done, but he proceeded to rationalize it with, “Well, but I can see my point.”
“You know what’s hard?” he asks.
Mike and I look up from what we’re doing expecting deep insight …
“To stop eating chocolate ice cream.”
Right, thank you for that insightful little nugget.
Need more proof that text messaging is a passive-aggressive form of communication?
Here’s a for-instance for you.
Consider Mike who opted to warn with his roommate textually, instead of verbally, last night about the sprinkler system around their new apartment.
That choice resulted William’s disturbance this morning around 5 a.m. by a stream of water and what I can only imagine was a hurried exit from his hammock.
Pretty funny, no? I literally lol’ed.