Rum pa pum pum pum ad nauseum

OK, so I’ve only been sitting at Starbucks working furiously for the past three-ish hours, and I’ve already heard four different versions of the “Little Drummer Boy.” If you recall, that’s a song that I have a particular aversion to.

Pic by Garrette on Flickr.

Why? Well, because of all the “pumming.” Call me Scrooge, but do you know how many pums I’ve listened to today?


Let  me tell you:

4 per line

24 per verse

72 per song

288 total pums!

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Smelly situation

I love sitting outside at Starbucks, but right now, I’m not sure what’s worse: the dude sitting in patio’s corner chain-smoking or the two preppy college boys wearing way, way too much cologne.

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Starbucks guitar man

Chilling (well, actually working my buns off) over at Starbucks today, and this dude is totally rocking out on his guitar. It’s pretty awesome.

Not sure if this is what his guitar looks like or not ... Awesome pic by cogdogblog on Flickr.

Makes me think that more people should practice their instruments in public places.

Well, as long as they’re good.

And not asking for money.

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So the following confession might put me in the same camp as Scar from the “Lion King,” Stalin or Satan, but I’ll admit it: I like Starbucks.

I love that I can get a coffee for $1.50.

I love that I can get a refill on that cup of coffee for free.

But even I will admit that charging $1 for a banana is a nefarious transgression against all humankind.

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