The Little Drummer Boy is haunting me

Argh. Call me Scrooge, but I despise “The Little Drummer Boy” song and all of his fricking rum pum pumming (as I’ve noted in a previous blogpost).

The problem with Christmas playlists on Pandora though, is that I can’t just thumbs down it once because so many (moronic) artists have decided to do their own rendition of the rum pum. So far, I’ve nixed the stupid kid and his never-ending pumming five times. And it’s only December 17.

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Rum pa pum pum pum ad nauseum

OK, so I’ve only been sitting at Starbucks working furiously for the past three-ish hours, and I’ve already heard four different versions of the “Little Drummer Boy.” If you recall, that’s a song that I have a particular aversion to.

Pic by Garrette on Flickr.

Why? Well, because of all the “pumming.” Call me Scrooge, but do you know how many pums I’ve listened to today?


Let  me tell you:

4 per line

24 per verse

72 per song

288 total pums!

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