A word from Webster

One definition of irritating: An old woman sitting behind you in a coffee shop figuring out how to use her new stopwatch.
(And seriously, who–other than middle school PE teachers–even uses a stopwatch anymore?)


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Terrible service

This little pigeon was hanging out at the coffee shop with me when I was in San Francisco. Poor guy, nobody was waiting on him, and I think all he wanted was a croissant.


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An argument for world peace

I feel like if world peace were instated, we’d all be more productive.

Because then we’d never be interrupted from a flurry of productivity in a coffee shop because the couple next to us is arguing and all of a sudden we’re too busy eavesdropping to get anything else done.

Thanks to aldrin_muya for the pic!
Thanks to aldrin_muya for the pic!

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Coffeeshop Observations

Sitting in a coffeeshop on a cloudy, 65-degree day. Dad and son (maybe three years old) walk in to meet up with Mom who’s sitting at the table next to me. Her first comment, uttered with mild frustration and disbelief: “You dressed him in shorts?!” The response, slightly sheepish, but mostly defiant: “Well I’m wearing shorts …”

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