Near travesty

Mike wore a look of despondency this afternoon when the hand mixer that he found on the side of the road more than five years ago appeared to have died.

But don’t lose any sleep over this travesty because after a bit of fiddling with it, he got it to work again. Whew. Close call.

Our mixer is nowhere near this nice. Thanks to  missy & the universe on Flickr for the pic.
Our mixer is nowhere near this nice. Thanks to missy & the universe on Flickr for the pic.


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Cheap or ingenius

It’s a fine line …

My phone battery is dead as a doornail (which makes it rather awkward when I accidentally hang up on people like my Dad, my friends, the person I’m interviewing, etc), so I retrieved the battery from my old phone to save myself the $30 cost of a new battery.

Alas, the old battery was too small. So in a stroke of genius, I took a small piece of paper, folded it accordion-style to make it thicker and jammed it into the small spare space.

It now fits!

It’s now charging!

And I don’t have to buy a new battery!


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I just heard on a Pandora commercial (yes, I’m too cheap to spend the $1 a month to avoid advertisement interruptions) this little motto.

You don’t have to do everything. But everything that you do should be done intentionally.

I like that.

Huh, words to live by from a commercial. Who would have thought?

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