First class

The first classers on my relatively short flight last week likely paid six times as much as I did so that they could get a banana and a bowl of Corn Flakes. To me, that’s just not worth it.

Now, if first class seating meant I got to wipe my butt with two-ply toilet paper, I’d be all for it.

Impressive, but how thick is the toilet paper? Thanks to Richard Moross on Flickr.

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So the following confession might put me in the same camp as Scar from the “Lion King,” Stalin or Satan, but I’ll admit it: I like Starbucks.

I love that I can get a coffee for $1.50.

I love that I can get a refill on that cup of coffee for free.

But even I will admit that charging $1 for a banana is a nefarious transgression against all humankind.

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