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Personal de-evolution
Yup, Mike and I just became those people … the ones who find something that’s been sitting in their pantry (Mike’s in this case) for at least five years and bring it to the church picnic. Don’t worry, friends, it wasn’t perishable.
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Personal de-evolution
Yup, Mike and I just became those people … the ones who find something that’s been sitting in their pantry (Mike’s in this case) for at least five years and bring it to the church picnic. Don’t worry, friends, it wasn’t perishable.
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Public restroom
How do you politely tell the lady cleaning the bathroom that if she doesn’t hurry the hell up, she’s going to have a bigger mess to clean up elsewhere?
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Thanks for the garlic press!
Registering for your wedding is great fun; getting stuff is even better!
I was trying to get Mike to admit how much he was enjoying using our new garlic press (which he wouldn’t do). However, after one small taste of the fajitas, it was quite clear that he was a fan. Anyone who I inadvertently breath on sometime in the next three months will know that he likes it a lot!
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Court and Mike in the kitchen
So two nights ago, Mike and I had fishsticks straight from the box for dinner.
Last night, we went with Mac ‘N Cheese ‘N Peas.
Yeah, so I mean, we’re pretty much a culinary power couple. Well, sort of.