Bathroom inspirations

Standing in line to go to the bathroom is an annoyance in the first place.

It’s even worse when you can hear the stalling individual taking up the stall gabbing away an a cell phone.

I considered pounding on the door, demanding, “Come on, man! Focus!” but thought that might be a little too rude.

Actually, it kind of makes me wonder if I could make a little money writing a sequel to famed playwright Samuel Beckett’s groundbreaking work. He wrote “Waiting for Godot;” maybe I’ll write “Waiting for To-go.”

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The beauty of Twitter

From Mike:

My roommate (I.E.,the guy I SHARE a room with) is in San Fransisco, and I just found out via Twitter …

From Courtney:


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Valid reasons to eat (a lot of) icecream

1. I’m happy.

2. I’m sad.

3. It’s my birthday.

4. It’s someone else’s birthday.

5. It’s hot outside.

6. It’s cold outside, but the fire is so delightful.

7. I didn’t get my recommended daily allotment of calcium or dairy.

8. I needed more space in my freezer.

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Veggie chips

In Boulder, where fitness reigns and spandex-clad could-be models strut, veggie chips are a favorite.

I  know you’re busy right now–we all are (Why do you think I just got done cleaning my bathroom and vacuuming my room? Two words: procrastination strategies.), but take a second and Google “veggie chips.” Here, I’ll help you out: click THIS.

It’s amazing! So many different brands of these dehydrated impersonations of something healthy.

Leave it to Americans to take a food group virtually calorie-less, inject some some air and a load of fat, slap on a label that reads “Veggie,” and call a product nutritional.

Oh dear …

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